The i and i Music Studio

All guests and artists are by invitation only

A passion for music

Our goal is to showcase the music, musicians, artists, songwriters, performers, dancers, choreographers, stage managers and producers of the Las Vegas music scene in a private studio setting. We invite collaborations and offer emerging and veteran artists a platform, the center stage, an open mic, accompanists and a captive audience.

Bring your instrument, bring your song and play for us the stories of your life.


Love is the element that binds the Universe together. We are all each, in fact, a ball of pure love energy occupying a physical body, attending the School of Earth. And that ball of pure-love energy is on-loan, to each of us, from the same Source. All expressions, other than love, are foreign to our nature.


Peace is a choice. At each moment we’re choosing to act from our hearts or our egos. Begin now to assess each thought, word and each action accordingly: stopping each word and action born in the ego and redirecting them to the heart where they may be altered to express or simply discarded.


Music is uniquely stored in areas of our brains separate from our memories. Music is the last thing we forget. In fact, there’s no proof we ever forget it. It must therefore, be store in the heart, where Love resides. How special must music be to be placed in our hearts, where all things live eternal.

“Las Vegas performs every night; we’re never dark. Tuesday’s show is just as exciting as Friday’s. That’s because Vegas is the home of the most diverse, most talented and highest quality musicians and performers in the United States. L.A. is a distant second and Nashville is a one-act town.”

Don M. Rodriguez

Founder, The i and i Music Studio

Please follow us and all of the musicians and performers we follow on our social media platforms.